Terence Parr

ANTLR supports large finite and, in fact, infinite lookahead (via syntactic predicates), which means that even lexers can do some fairly interesting things. In this field guide entry, my goal is to demonstrate the effectiveness of syntactic predicates for lexing while solving a useful problem at the same time.

Parsing HTML <form> Data

How many times have you wanted to build a quick form page for data entry on the Web and then parse that tag/value pairs coming in to do something useful? I often use the email rather than cgi-bin action for <form> tags because I can move the page anywhere without having to wonder about the particular host's cgi-bin mechanism. I have built a tool that creates an HTML page echoing back the tag/value pairs. The tool also generates an index.html file listing every HTML file created from the previous tool invocations. The output of the tool is a page that looks like:

Company BigCo
salesperson Eric
instructor Wile E. Coyote
techcontact Johnboy
techcontactphone 555-2772
shipaddress Johnboy
232 Oak St
San Francisco CA 94666

The output index.html file would link to this page.

My first thought was to use PERL for this, but I quickly found that no line-oriented tool could handle this problem easily because it would constantly have to maintain state or mode information--ick! My ANTLR solution uses 1 character of finite lookahead and backtracking (arbitrary lookahead).

Take a look at the type of input you get from an HTML form that has been emailed to you:

instructor=Wile E Coyote

These field and value pairs come from text fields in the HTML form. So far, this problem just screams for an AWK or PERL solution. However, when you consider text areas, you get the following kind of data:

address=1000 Washington Ave
NYC NY 94123

This does not seem like a problem until you realize that the newline character is no longer the end of "value" delimiter. In fact the start of the next field looks like part of the address data:

address=1000 Washington Ave
NYC NY 94123
phone=201 555 1212

Recognizing Tags Versus Values

The question is: how you get the lexer to stop consuming input for the address before the 'p' of "phone"? The answer is that you have to scan way ahead to see the '='. Because ANTLR only allows you to have syntactic predicates in rules with more than one alternative, you cannot create a rule such as:

TAG : ( TAG '=' ) => TAG '=' ;

You must create a rule that specifies the difference between a tag and a value:

    :   ( TAG '=' ) => TAG '='!     {$setType(TAG);}
    |   .                           {$setType(CHAR);}

// rule protected because only want it seen by FORMTOKEN
// not by nextToken
TAG :   ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9')+

FORMTOKEN returns a character rather than a string for the elements of a value token because it is hard to write a (...)* loop that knows to stop when it sees a valid tag coming down the road. For example, the following rule stops only after it has seen the equal rather than the tag before the equal, which is not what we want.

VALUE : (~'=')+ ; // bad: scarfs past tags.

On the other hand, as you can see, it is quite easy to do the inverse: testing for the special case of a valid tag, leaving everything else as part of a value token.

The parser for form data is straightforward:

    String s;
    :   ( TAG s=string )+

string returns [String s]
    StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
    :   (   c:CHAR

Translating Tag/Value Pairs to HTML

In order to do the translation of tag/value pairs to HTML, we need to embed actions within the grammar. As a general design principal it is often a good idea to pass in a so-called behavior object with methods that perform the actual work. You are able to use this grammar for multiple translators in this manner (you can even change the behavior at parse-time). Three behavior functions are sufficient for this example: enter(), dataPair(), and exit():

    String s;
    :   (   t:TAG s=string
            {behavior.dataPair(t.getText(), s);}

where behavior is of type FormDataBehavior:

public interface FormDataBehavior {
  public void dataPair(String tag, String value); // another tag/value
  public void enter();
  public void exit();

To specify the translation, it suffices to provide an implementation of this interface. I have provided an implementation called BuildPageIndex, that uses Serialization to maintain an index of HTML files generated by the separate invocations of the program. The index.html file is regenerated for each invocation of the program and a file called index.objects is the serialization of my vector of label/URL pairs. The code is fairly obvious, but the important points are that:

